Sunday, 27 May 2012

Running half a marathon!

After reading the June issue of 'Zest' Magazine whilst sat waiting for my flight at Dubai airport I saw an advert from The British Heart Foundation asking people to participate in fund raisers to help support them. Something inside of me clicked, (possibly because my parents have angina and my father recently had a heart operation) and I decided there and then I would sign up for the half marathon run at Blenheim Palace on October 7th 2012, (which is 4 days before my birthday!) so rather than presents and cards I am asking friends and family to donate whatever they would have spent on me and put it straight in to the sponsorship.I aim to raise 2k but if I can raise even more then it will be a bonus!

"Does she even run?" I hear you say? Well, simply, the answer is NO! not if you count 2minutes dash to the train or plane a run? So this is going to be a massive challenge. Not only do I not run but I am currently over weight! So the training will be even harder with my 'excess baggage'. Never the less, I intend to do this and
 enjoy it!

So please do check out my sponsorship page and donate however little or as much as you can :)

I will keep you updated with my progress!!

Thanks guys!

Dani x

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