Saturday, 26 May 2012

Victoria Baptiste-Photographer extraordinaire

Specialising in fashion, music,  burlesque and commercial. 

With a wealth of experience far beyond the 5 years Victoria has been working in the industry it is safe to say this up and coming image expert will soon be a house hold name.

Having started her career in accounts, Victoria found herself catapulted in to the the photographic industry when she left her days of numbers behind and found herself working as a children's photographer for the large chain group 'Olan Mills' studio. 
Her previous qualifications in coaching children in sports and teaching drama proved to be an asset to the 'Olan Mills' studio, so much so she was based in the Mother Care branch for the business on top of being their 'floating photographer' travelling to studios all the UK. 
Again, as fate would have it Victoria was spotted by another company who were impressed by her photographic work in Mother Care and was soon scouted to work for the family photography business arm owned by the head of the London Portrait Group.
 There she trained and met some of the best and most influential photographers in the country! Such as Len Dance, Hoss Mahdavi, Barry Lategan, (who took the first photograph of Twiggy) which subsequently led to her working with Jim Marks;  a top commercial photographer known for his work capturing people like Alan Sugar. 

Victoria's talent and passion for the art form of capturing life and people drew her to furthering her training with boudoir industry experts Trevor and Fay Yerbury developing her craft and techniques.

For the past 2 years Victoria has specialised in boudoir photography in between shooting for commercial artists, weddings and editorials for magazines. 

Most recently Victoria assisted on the Jack Wills shoot for their new autumn line.

Now with all the experience, technique and versatility to her portfolio the exciting young lady has opened her own business under 'Victoria Baptiste Photography' (website coming soon) Specialising in fashion, music, burlesque and commercial images.

'LIKE' her facebook page

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